sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2010

My Shield Of Love Is Getting Weak

Sometimes i feel that love is fading, my system is letting go.Sometimes i wanna let go...why holding on to it? I don’t even know what’s the use of it, why love? Poop...(i use nice words to describe ugly ones) i don’t even know what’s going on with me. I am on Earth, i came here to fight for love but for whose love? Fight for humans to refeel it? How am i supposed to do that? I’m nothing but a soldier stuck on earth with human feelings.So if i feel the same as humans how am i going to help.I’m starting to think i came here thinking i know my mission, but yet i don’t, He didn’t tell me, just go He said, go and fight for love! So i’m here, with a failed assumption of my mission...i’ve failed...ahhh you humans are to complicated! Why so many feelings? Sadnes, happyness, fail, win, hate, love,angry,stunned, numb...whatever.I am not human i ask to be released of all this useless feelings, can’t we all just stick to love ?...i’m starting to give up, i’m becoming bitter..a bitter soldier on Earth..who funny enough will never be released if not completing my mission. I asked for love and now i am a soldier, how is that possible? My war has no weapons, i don’t have weapons to defeat human feelings...but human feelings are defeating me.I’m just an entity eating chocolate on Earth.What’s my weapon of choice? Guns...its easier to fight like that...just pull the trigger...bang bang!I shut you down! Evil is easy, so easy that i can feel it taking over my system, i see evil and evil sees me. I’m not afraid of it, it will be feeding on me,it is feeding on humans.I can see it tearing you appart, i see blood,i see death, your spirit is bleeding. Why should sorrow make me bitter?, i tasted bitter i preffer it with milk and sugar...and maybe some cream in the middle. I was built on love and by Love why should i dissapoint? Just because i dont understand anymore? Just because love is hidding, but i can hear it calling me, begging me to find it.Yea, i hear Love, i hear it calling me, i call Love back, and i’m stucked between ’Love is calling and I call her’.Love sounds good though, i could listen to it endlesly.

What if...now i know.Ah, i understand. Fight for love, I am love, built on love, with love and by Love, fight for you. Amazing! I know now.It’s all about my entity fighting with myself, and here on Earth is the most difficult place to fight for it,learn to love on planet Earth. Earth is a training camp.Love is vulnerable, love needs soldiers. I am a soldier...and i was thinking about guns, i ask for forgivenes...ahhh Human feelings let me be!!! ...I came to Earth to fight for Love.

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